So that's it. After handing in my final piece of university work ever at the end May, my 3-year degree officially ended on Wednesday 16th July when I graduated from university with a 2.1 BA Hons in Film Studies. So what comes next?
Like many students fresh out of university I don't have my ideal job all set up, ready and waiting for me, but I'm not letting it get me down as I'm still not completely sure of what career path I am going to take.
Over the past three years my degree made me realize that the practical side of film is where I am most comfortable and where I feel I work best.
Ideally during my time at university I would loved to have done production work outside of my normal university work; but I found it difficult to manage and even harder in third year when I started working part-time in a department store, although I did manage to get a couple of small jobs in.
So what comes next?
Ideally I would like to be a production manager, 1st AD or 2nd AD, but I would also like to do a something within fashion, so I think the best way to describe it until I find that job is something media based. I feel the next step for me is to get some more experience in things such as management and event organizing; and to assist with this I managed to get myself a 3-month work experience as an Arts Project Assistant, although this has yet to start.
But I'll stop before this post gets way to wordy. Have any of you graduated from University? If so what are your plans?
Like many students fresh out of university I don't have my ideal job all set up, ready and waiting for me, but I'm not letting it get me down as I'm still not completely sure of what career path I am going to take.
Over the past three years my degree made me realize that the practical side of film is where I am most comfortable and where I feel I work best.
Ideally during my time at university I would loved to have done production work outside of my normal university work; but I found it difficult to manage and even harder in third year when I started working part-time in a department store, although I did manage to get a couple of small jobs in.
So what comes next?
Ideally I would like to be a production manager, 1st AD or 2nd AD, but I would also like to do a something within fashion, so I think the best way to describe it until I find that job is something media based. I feel the next step for me is to get some more experience in things such as management and event organizing; and to assist with this I managed to get myself a 3-month work experience as an Arts Project Assistant, although this has yet to start.
But I'll stop before this post gets way to wordy. Have any of you graduated from University? If so what are your plans?
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