Saturday, 29 October 2016

A Girl Like Her (Amy S. Weber, 2015)

A Girl Like Her (2015) Poster
Cast: Lexi Ainsworth, Hunter King, Jimmy Bennett, Amy S. Weber

Summary: Jessica Burns enlists the help of her best friend, Brian, in order to document the relentless harassment she's received from her former friend, Avery Keller, one of South Brookdale High School's most popular students.

Genre: Mockumentary, Drama

Watched: September 18th, 2016

This film had been in my watchlist for weeks before I finally got round to watching it, and when I did I was very pleasantly surprised.

I found the story to be incredibly moving.
We all know that bullying is something that happens everywhere in the world so I definitely found this difficult to watch at times knowing that there are millions of people who are able to relate to much of Jessica's story.

The acting was very good, especially when it came to Hunter King and Lexi Ainsworth. I thought Hunter's performance as bully Avery Keller was incredibly convincing but it was definitely Lexi's performance as the bullied Jessica that drew me in.

I'm quite an emotional person and I often shed a few tears here and there when reading books or watching films, but I didn't know what to do with myself when I saw this. I knew that the topic would upset me but I wasn't quite prepared for how upset I was.
I felt such an incredible sense of both sadness and hurt watching Jessica and I cried for her as though she was someone I knew.

The ending was what let the film down for me, because it feels as though Weber is telling you to feel sympathy for Avery because she has a difficult home life.

I don't agree with this at all, of course I know there are many cases where this still happens; however in this case although Avery's home is clearly filled with tension I don't think this had anything to do with her becoming a bully.
I get the feeling that even if Avery's home life had been completely different she still would have bullied Jessica.

Rating: 9/10
One Final Word: BRILLIANT!

If you want to see what happened next you should definitely check out these two interviews from Jessica and Avery: A Girl Like Her: Aftermath

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