Monday, 5 December 2016

The Gift (Joel Edgerton, 2015)

Cast: Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall, Joel Edgerton

Summary: A young married couple's lives are thrown into a harrowing tailspin when an acquaintance from the husband's past brings mysterious gifts and a horrifying secret to light after more than 20 years.

Genre: Thriller, Mystery

Watched: September 2016

The Gift is Joel Edgerton's directorial debut and I have to say he does a pretty impressive job, not only as director but also as an actor.

I don't think I've seen him in anything before this but I think he does an absolutely fantastic job here. He does creepy incredibly well but somehow still manages to make you like him.

Then there was Jason Bateman. I've seen Hancock and I really enjoyed his performance, I think it was the perfect blend of comedy and drama for him but I didn't think he would be any good in something so serious.
I was definitely wrong about that. Bateman absolutely proves himself for me and does an excellent job as Simon.
The Gift (2015) Still
Although the film is about Gordon (Joel Edgerton) and Simon (Jason Bateman), it is definitely Robyn (Rebecca Hall) who comes across as the main character and is fantastic in this role.
I love the interaction between all three characters, but thing I loved the most was that I spent the majority of the film trying to figure out who the bad guy actually is.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story and I even loved the ambiguous ending. I was 100% rooting for Gordon and I really wanted him to get some sort of revenge, but deep down I think he's actually quite a nice guy and that he wouldn't really go that far. Or would he?

Rating: 9/10
One Final Word: EXCELLENT!

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