Saturday, 21 January 2017

Audrie & Daisy (Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk, 2016)

Audrie & Daisy (2016) Poster

Starring: Daisy Coleman, Delaney Henderson, Paige Pankhurst, Audrie Pott

Summary: A look at the effects that online bullying has on the lives of teenagers and their community.

Genre: Documentary

Watched: November 29th, 2016

Not long after I saw A Girl Like Her I came across this documentary and after reading the description I decided to add it to my watchlist. However it actually took me a while to work up the courage to actually watch it and I am so glad that I finally did.

One of the cases discussed and for me the saddest is the case of Audrie Pott who was sexually assaulted after she had passed out drunk at a party.
With no memory of what happened Audrie later discovered that not only were there rumours about her at school but that naked pictures of her were also being sent to other students.
After suffering relentless abuse from a number of her peers, 8 days after the assault Audrie committed suicide.

The documentary also discusses the case of Daisy Coleman who after being raped by a classmate of her brother, was left on the grass outside her home where her mother and brother were sleeping in -5c weather.
Daisy then became a victim of online bullying from people within her small town when they found out what had happened.

Listening to the girls tell their stories is difficult enough but it gets ten times harder listening to their friends and families talk about what happened, especially in the case of Audrie Pott, whose mother describes the day of her daughters suicide and finding her body.
This documentary is definitely an eye opener towards the attitudes of small communities in America and how far they will go to "defend/protect" one of their rising stars and it's something I would have appreciated watching when I was in school.

Rating: 8/10
One Final Word: Great

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