Wednesday, 12 April 2017

DIY Flower Gift Box

I was originally planning to put up an outfit post on what I wore for my birthday last week Thursday but I never actually got round to taking pictures even though we had super amazing weather last weekend.
Instead you can enjoy the flower box I created for Mother's Day.
Not bad eh?

I can't take all the credit for this though. When the lovely Caroline who blogs over at Burkatron put up this post: DIY | Flower Gift Box I was eager to try it! Mother's day was coming up plus my mum loves flowers (tulips and lilies are two of her favourites) so I thought I might as well give it a go (with some help from my dad of course).

As this was quite a last minute decision I didn't buy anything online. Instead I got the boxes from Clintons (they weren't matching) and I bought a pack of four blocks of wet floral foam from Hobbycraft. As you can see we didn't use foil or plastic sheeting (we didn't have anything wide enough for the box) so we improvised by using a white bin bag which we lined all the way to the top of the box, you don't have to do this though (I don't know why we did).
We then covered the smaller box in clingfilm (or plastic wrap for those not in the UK) to make sure it wouldn't get wet, then my dad cut the blocks of foam to fit around the smaller box. Caroline says that the smaller box should sit level with the larger box but I wasn't too fussed about that.

I made sure I had some of my mum's favourite flowers (I bought one of them in a bouquet because I wanted some foliage). And I was ready to go.
3 hours later give or take I was finished! I knew this would only work if I had a gift to put in the smaller box. My original plan was to buy some votive yankee candles but when I couldn't find any I decided to go with a necklace I had seen a few days before.
This Personailised Birth Star Necklace from Not On The High Street by the lovely Rachel Jackson London. I already have my eye on a couple of other pieces.


  1. This is so cute! I might have to try this for a Mother's Day gift.

    Briana |

    1. Thank you! You definitely should, I think I might do another one but this time in a different shape!

      Can't wait to see it if you give it a go!
